Tuesday, August 5, 2014

11 Month Update

I seriously am in awe that Emme is almost one. The first year of her life has flown by. My baby is getting big and there's nothing I can do to stop it! I have loved every moment with her. It has been the greatest joy to be home with her these past 11 months! 

Age: 11 months
Stats: Approx. 22 lbs! I have noticed she seems to be getting taller and thinner- losing her baby rolls! :(
Clothes: 12-24 months depending on the item!

Favorite FoodsEmme loves anything put in front of her! Last night she tried Hamburger Helper and loved it- haha! She squeals when she sees a bag of cheese and exclaims "MMM!" when she eats ice cream! (I swear- she really does have a healthy diet aside from these things ;) )

Words: She is babbling all the time! "Mom" "Up" and "Amma" are her only words that she says, but she does sign for "all done" and "more". She also really is starting to understand words. She knows what "Mickey Mouse" is and  she knows when I say "blow a kiss!" or "say bye bye!" what to do for example. 

Activities: I can hardly keep up with little E's activities! She crawls all over the place and pulls up and walks around our furniture. She is even standing for a few seconds at a time by herself. She loves to dance when a song comes on which is so adorable. She also loves to dump out her toy bins, dig in our TV console, and open all the doors/drawers in the kitchen.

Favorite Things: She loves her wagon! We just got one this past week and E loves to ride around in it. 

Signature MovesWaving her hands in the air during a song, climbing up the stairs, blowing a kiss to everyone she sees, waving hi & bye when we go/leave somewhere.

Mom's Proudest Moment: Seeing her sign "more" and "all done" for the first time- we have worked on that for a long time! 

Dad's Proudest Moment: Watching Emme blow kisses to people. He thinks its the sweetest quality for a little girl! He also loves that she is learning no- which he is really good about teaching her with kind & gentle discipline. 

Our sassy little spunky baby is turning into a toddler before our eyes!
Next post will be full of what I'm sure will be adorable 1st birthday party photos.
I can hardly wait!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Home Office Makeover

Now that I am running my own business, we have decided to convert our guest room into an office! I am so excited to have a little place of my own to work. Currently, it looks like this:

Since this space will be shared with our guest bed and dresser, I need to come up with a functional way to use this room. I am envisioning some wall shelves, a mirror, and definitely a new desk chair!

I do love my desk from Ikea and all my little trinkets. I just need to come up with a fun way to display them!

This is my first major design project in our home so I am excited! Keep posted for some before & after photos :)