Thursday, June 25, 2015

Summer Reads: Part 1

One of my favorite things to do in the summer is READ!

To me, there aren't many things better than heading outside, kicking back in a lounge chair, and reading a good book with the sun beating down on me!

I thought I would share a few of my current fave books for all my fellow reading lovers out there... Or for those of you that maybe need to add a little literacy to your life ;)

1. Carry On, Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton

Every woman on Earth needs to read this book. Seriously. So many laughs, so many tears, I cannot even begin to describe the emotional roller coaster this book took me on. Glennon describes motherhood, marriage, friendship, and family in a way that no other can all while proclaiming "we can do hard things". Please do me a favor and read this book. I swear you'll thank me for bringing this treasure into your life!

2. The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst

In my mind, I'm best friends with Lysa. I have read almost all of her books and she just speaks to my heart like no author ever has. This book helped me so much with decision making *because seriously ya'll, I'm so indecisive I can't even choose an ice cream flavor* that I have even purchased it for a few friends that struggle with the same issue.  This book helped me so much with learning that it is ok and sometimes healthiest to say no and has seriously changed my life. #becauseyesismyfavoriteword #woops

3. For the Right Reasons by Sean Lowe

It's no secret that my love for the Bachelor is endless. Sean was definitely my favorite Bachelor and I love how he openly proclaimed his faith from the start. His autobiography talks about his life before the Bachelor, what led him there, and a even a little bit of what the Bachelor is like behind the scenes. If you're a Bachelor fan or just love a good story about what God can do when you trust Him and His plan, check out this quick read!

4.  Love Does by Bob Goff

Doesn't the cover of this book just make you happy? This book truly just made me feel so happy every time I opened it up. It's all about the author's journey through life and all the ways he demonstrated love to those around him or how he received love in the unlikeliest of situations. Read this book & you'll want to go out of your way to love someone today!

5. Let's All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs

Ah, bravery. I definitely wouldn't describe myself as a brave person. However, Annie reminded me through this book that we are all brave in Christ and we can do even the hardest things with Him. I read this book in just a couple days because I was so engaged I didn't want to put it down!

For more of my faves, follow me on GoodReads. This is an amazing app that lets you rank books, make lists of books you would like to read, and provides wonderful reviews before you bring a book home!

What are some of your favorite titles this summer?
I would love to add them to my ever-expanding Amazon wish list ;)


Monday, June 8, 2015

21 Month Update

Twenty. ONE. months.
My goodness!!! 

Last summer we were out snuggling in the sun with our tiny babe
 and now we are chasing after her at the parks, putting her on rides at Valleyfair, and wiping her face up after gobbling down heaps of watermelon (her fave!)

Age: 21 months

Stats: 29 pounds

Favorite Foods: Cheese, cheese, and more cheese! Cheese pizza, grilled cheese, cheese and crackers, macaroni and cheese... you name it! Also fruit, "beggies" (veggies), chips, pancakes, bacon, and anything covered in ketchup ;)

Repeating every word I say which is so fun! I crack up when she says things like "heb-bee" (heavy) and "swide" (slide) in her own little Emme way. She is already starting to say "thank you" when I give her things or take her places and is getting good at asking for things with "yes please". My polite little lady! We also went to Chicago at the end of May and Emme was all about saying "air-payne" and "Cago" ;)

Lots of summer fun going down at the Kleiner household! Zoo pass and Valleyfair pass have us outside enjoying the sun.  Going to the park on a daily basis, loves playing with her teddy bears and babies, and coloring!

Favorite Things: Bears (at the zoo, in books, stuffed bears... she is OBSESSED with bears!), mommy's chapstick, purses, shopping bags, bracelets, headbands... 100% girl over here ;) She is also in love with the water now that it is summer time!

Signature Moves: Asking to "wak" (walk) everywhere we go, throwing her shoes off the second we get into Target, dancing to any and every song she hears, climbing up on our new barstools.

Mom's Proudest Moment: Emme going potty the other day! We were doing really well with the potty back in February when she was just teeny tiny but now we are reintroducing it. She got some Minnie Mouse undies which are definitely a huge motivator along with "chock- it" (chocolate) ;)

Dad's Proudest Moment: Emme was so sweet and loving to Daddy when he threw out his back the other day. She climbed up on the doctor's table with him and just snuggled up to him and kissed his "boo-boos". These two just melt me!

Happy summer, ya'll!
Stay tuned for our summer adventures ;)
