Thursday, September 18, 2014

Our big ONE year old!

Almost two weeks ago now, our sweet E girl turned ONE!
I absolutely cannot believe a year has gone by.
Nearly one year ago, after 26 hours of labor, I gave birth to the most precious girl on earth.
I am embracing every day with her in this season of toddlerhood. 
I love watching her learn all sorts of new things and I love how her personality is blossoming!

Age: 12 1/2 months
Stats: Almost 23 lbs! Starting to slim down & get taller. Those baby rolls are disappearing sadly!
Clothes: 12-24 months depending on the item!

Favorite Foods: Bananas (she can't even see them at the grocery store or she goes crazy!), chicken nuggets, black beans, lunch meat, cheese, waffles, and all sorts of veggies- especially peas!

Words: Words are just flowing out of this girl's mouth! She says mom, dad, ball, bye bye, banana, bottle (ba-ba), water (wa-wa), cat, dog, grandma (amma), papa (grandpa), Alanna (Lana)... the list goes on! She impresses us daily!

Activities: Loves to play with puzzles, balls, and books! She loves to walk around the house with her walker and she thinks its hilarious to hide under the kitchen table. We love to go play at the gym, go for walks, play at the park, and go to the mall! She has also hit many milestones. She's walking, is down to only 2 bottles in the morning and at night, and is starting to use a spoon!

Favorite Things: She loves her blankey & nook (she ditched her sleep sack this past month!) She also loves her singing puppy toy, her Minnie Mouse ride-on airplane, and her soccer ball.

Signature Moves: Yelling "BALL" all the time (HA! It's her favorite word!) She also constantly is waving bye bye and blowing kisses.

Mom's Proudest Moment: Watching her first steps at Papa & Joyce's house. It was truly amazing to see our little lady walk right before her first birthday! We also had a wonderful time celebrating Emersyn at her first birthday party. She rocked a pink tutu, and double fisted cake like it was nobody's business! (See photo below- HA!) I was very proud to say the least! ;)

Dad's Proudest Moment: Getting hugs from Emme when she comes into bed to snuggle in the morning. She always crawls right over to her daddy and hugs him. He is in love! 

This past year has brought me the greatest joy and it has been the highest honor of my life to be Emersyn's mom. I have truly enjoyed motherhood every step of the way and I thank God that He entrusted me with this most precious girl!