Monday, November 30, 2015

Freshly Picked Moccasin Review

For me, the holiday season is all about lookin' fancy & adding a few fun pieces to my (and my little lady's) wardrobe!

I love to add a little sparkle, glitz, and glam this time of year to our outfits by accessorizing with hair accessories, shoes, purses… you name it!

My current obsession for my E girl: Freshly Picked moccasins

I'm currently crushing on this Rose Gold pair as its totally on trend right now. And of course, the Green Camo is my jam because, well, we all know how much I love my camo! #proudarmywife

These moccs are completely cute for your little's holiday outfit, but I love them for sooo many reasons beyond just their appearance!

1. They ACTUALLY stay on. I always have a hard time with shoes staying on Emersyn's feet as she's in between sizes! Plus they're harder for her to get off which is a win in my book ;)

2. They are perfect for running around indoors. With snow on the ground now, I am carrying Em a lot as we trudge through the winter wonderland to get to some of our favorite indoor play places. With their soft sole and flexibility, these are our go-to shoe for play places, open gym, child care, etc! They are oh so cute while also being oh so practical!

3. They are super lightweight while being made of durable, butter soft, 100% genuine leather. I love that I can toss a pair in my diaper bag - E can wear her boots outside at her little school for play time & can come in and change into a pair of moccs super easily! 

Bottom line… they are the perfect pairing this holiday season with your little lady's holiday dress or your little guy's suit! 

Annnnnd, get this. Since today is Cyber Monday, you can get 15% off your purchase with the code: FPCYBERMONDAY!

Annnnd, even more exciting…. TOMORROW on my Instagram page (@mrskleiner) I am giving a way a FREE pair of Freshly Picked moccasins to one lucky winner! Giveaway will run from tomorrow at 8:00am to December 4th at 8:00am. Check it out!!


D & e

*Disclaimer: I received a free product to review, but opinions are 100% my own!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Money Making Mom Book Review

Since I became a stay-at-home mom, 
I have tried several small gigs to try and make some extra income from home.
Some of these have turned out wonderfully and have provided my family with a few extra bucks,
while others ended up not being the right fit. 

Through Crystal Paine's (The Money Saving Mom) new book, Money Making Mom, the fire has been lit under me and I am now on a quest to make my dreams happen! Here are a few of my favorite take-aways from the book:

I got to finish MMM on vacation-  how dreamy is this picture?!

1. Financial freedom is a HUGE priority of mine!

As I have mentioned previously on my blog, we have taken Dave Ramsey's FPU course and both my husband and I are passionate about financial freedom. Crystal reiterates the importance of not just getting your finances in order, but also about mentally getting your head in the right space (pg. 13). She really challenged me to believe that financial freedom is attainable and that it is possible if you just stick to your vision and keep taking steps towards that vision. 

2. I do have gifts and talents to offer this world!

Perhaps my favorite section of the entire book was where Crystal asks her readers to write down their passions, talents, skills, and strengths. She made me ask myself some questions including what I love, what excites me, what I was good at as a child, what areas people look to me as the expert, etc. This really made me sit down and examine myself, which I truthfully never really do. I discovered that I believe I do have a gift for writing and connecting people. I know that I am skilled in working with children and with teaching others. I hope to use a combination of these things to create a business in the future.  

3. I need to expand my thinking beyond the traditional 8-5 job!

So often, I get in this trap of thinking that unless I have the usual 8-5 job that I cannot contribute much financially. I did try the direct sales route for a while and just didn't find a good balance that was right for my family so I cut that out of my list of business ideas as well. However, Crystal really challenged me to think even further beyond these two options. She has opened my eyes to other realms of making income, including writing e-books, making and selling items, buying discounted items and selling them for profit on Amazon or Ebay, as well as many other ideas. I'm thankful that through this book my eyes have been opened to so many business opportunities that I wouldn't normally have thought of. 

4. I need to acknowledge what gets in the way and reroute that energy!

So often I get frustrated when I try to come up with a new business idea because I am just instantly burdened by the list of setbacks. Especially as a stay at home mom of a two year old, I often think there is simply just no time to invest in my business- so why do it anyway?! Or I think about how much I LOVE to spend time with my family and friends and that I can't possibly give up that time to work. However, Crystal helped me to see that a few simple steps can help me from burning out. She stressed the importance of time management and specifically setting parameters for your time. I was so convicted with the idea that even 30 minutes spent on my business can make a difference if I am diligent. She also talked about fear and failure and how to combat those things, which I also struggle with. I am so grateful that I now have some practical ideas on how to begin creating a business without feeling like I'm carrying a weight on my shoulders before it has even begun. 

5. The whole point of financial freedom is to be able to GIVE more!

Giving is another concept we have learned a lot about through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University as well as through our local church. We are passionate about giving and feel specifically called to help those in need in this world. I love that Crystal devoted an entire chapter to living generously in Money Saving Mom. She talks about expanding our lens, shifting our priorities, and creating a bigger vision so that we can earn income specifically to give it away. I always get tripped up in thinking that it's impossible to earn money, make a profit, and have additional money to give. However, Crystal totally debunks that myth! She really helped me in understanding that even if I offer free services, give even the smallest amount, or just take the slightest step towards being generous to others that I can make a huge difference. This was probably the most impactful chapter in the entire book because my heart just so longs to give back!

I simply cannot recommend Money Making Mom enough to all of you mamas out there that either have a business that you want to take to the next level, or those of you that have always dreamed of having your own business but just haven't known where to begin! 

You can order your copy HERE on Amazon!

Also, check out Crystal's incredible blog, Money Saving Mom. This blog has helped my family immensely with saving money and I cannot thank Crystal enough for the information she has provided me through her page!

What are some dreams or goals you have had in your heart?
What are some business ideas that you have had that you just haven't had the courage to start?
I want to encourage you that your dreams are POSSIBLE!
Your dreams can turn into a beautiful opportunity to bless your family and others!
