Monday, November 30, 2015

Freshly Picked Moccasin Review

For me, the holiday season is all about lookin' fancy & adding a few fun pieces to my (and my little lady's) wardrobe!

I love to add a little sparkle, glitz, and glam this time of year to our outfits by accessorizing with hair accessories, shoes, purses… you name it!

My current obsession for my E girl: Freshly Picked moccasins

I'm currently crushing on this Rose Gold pair as its totally on trend right now. And of course, the Green Camo is my jam because, well, we all know how much I love my camo! #proudarmywife

These moccs are completely cute for your little's holiday outfit, but I love them for sooo many reasons beyond just their appearance!

1. They ACTUALLY stay on. I always have a hard time with shoes staying on Emersyn's feet as she's in between sizes! Plus they're harder for her to get off which is a win in my book ;)

2. They are perfect for running around indoors. With snow on the ground now, I am carrying Em a lot as we trudge through the winter wonderland to get to some of our favorite indoor play places. With their soft sole and flexibility, these are our go-to shoe for play places, open gym, child care, etc! They are oh so cute while also being oh so practical!

3. They are super lightweight while being made of durable, butter soft, 100% genuine leather. I love that I can toss a pair in my diaper bag - E can wear her boots outside at her little school for play time & can come in and change into a pair of moccs super easily! 

Bottom line… they are the perfect pairing this holiday season with your little lady's holiday dress or your little guy's suit! 

Annnnnd, get this. Since today is Cyber Monday, you can get 15% off your purchase with the code: FPCYBERMONDAY!

Annnnd, even more exciting…. TOMORROW on my Instagram page (@mrskleiner) I am giving a way a FREE pair of Freshly Picked moccasins to one lucky winner! Giveaway will run from tomorrow at 8:00am to December 4th at 8:00am. Check it out!!


D & e

*Disclaimer: I received a free product to review, but opinions are 100% my own!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Money Making Mom Book Review

Since I became a stay-at-home mom, 
I have tried several small gigs to try and make some extra income from home.
Some of these have turned out wonderfully and have provided my family with a few extra bucks,
while others ended up not being the right fit. 

Through Crystal Paine's (The Money Saving Mom) new book, Money Making Mom, the fire has been lit under me and I am now on a quest to make my dreams happen! Here are a few of my favorite take-aways from the book:

I got to finish MMM on vacation-  how dreamy is this picture?!

1. Financial freedom is a HUGE priority of mine!

As I have mentioned previously on my blog, we have taken Dave Ramsey's FPU course and both my husband and I are passionate about financial freedom. Crystal reiterates the importance of not just getting your finances in order, but also about mentally getting your head in the right space (pg. 13). She really challenged me to believe that financial freedom is attainable and that it is possible if you just stick to your vision and keep taking steps towards that vision. 

2. I do have gifts and talents to offer this world!

Perhaps my favorite section of the entire book was where Crystal asks her readers to write down their passions, talents, skills, and strengths. She made me ask myself some questions including what I love, what excites me, what I was good at as a child, what areas people look to me as the expert, etc. This really made me sit down and examine myself, which I truthfully never really do. I discovered that I believe I do have a gift for writing and connecting people. I know that I am skilled in working with children and with teaching others. I hope to use a combination of these things to create a business in the future.  

3. I need to expand my thinking beyond the traditional 8-5 job!

So often, I get in this trap of thinking that unless I have the usual 8-5 job that I cannot contribute much financially. I did try the direct sales route for a while and just didn't find a good balance that was right for my family so I cut that out of my list of business ideas as well. However, Crystal really challenged me to think even further beyond these two options. She has opened my eyes to other realms of making income, including writing e-books, making and selling items, buying discounted items and selling them for profit on Amazon or Ebay, as well as many other ideas. I'm thankful that through this book my eyes have been opened to so many business opportunities that I wouldn't normally have thought of. 

4. I need to acknowledge what gets in the way and reroute that energy!

So often I get frustrated when I try to come up with a new business idea because I am just instantly burdened by the list of setbacks. Especially as a stay at home mom of a two year old, I often think there is simply just no time to invest in my business- so why do it anyway?! Or I think about how much I LOVE to spend time with my family and friends and that I can't possibly give up that time to work. However, Crystal helped me to see that a few simple steps can help me from burning out. She stressed the importance of time management and specifically setting parameters for your time. I was so convicted with the idea that even 30 minutes spent on my business can make a difference if I am diligent. She also talked about fear and failure and how to combat those things, which I also struggle with. I am so grateful that I now have some practical ideas on how to begin creating a business without feeling like I'm carrying a weight on my shoulders before it has even begun. 

5. The whole point of financial freedom is to be able to GIVE more!

Giving is another concept we have learned a lot about through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University as well as through our local church. We are passionate about giving and feel specifically called to help those in need in this world. I love that Crystal devoted an entire chapter to living generously in Money Saving Mom. She talks about expanding our lens, shifting our priorities, and creating a bigger vision so that we can earn income specifically to give it away. I always get tripped up in thinking that it's impossible to earn money, make a profit, and have additional money to give. However, Crystal totally debunks that myth! She really helped me in understanding that even if I offer free services, give even the smallest amount, or just take the slightest step towards being generous to others that I can make a huge difference. This was probably the most impactful chapter in the entire book because my heart just so longs to give back!

I simply cannot recommend Money Making Mom enough to all of you mamas out there that either have a business that you want to take to the next level, or those of you that have always dreamed of having your own business but just haven't known where to begin! 

You can order your copy HERE on Amazon!

Also, check out Crystal's incredible blog, Money Saving Mom. This blog has helped my family immensely with saving money and I cannot thank Crystal enough for the information she has provided me through her page!

What are some dreams or goals you have had in your heart?
What are some business ideas that you have had that you just haven't had the courage to start?
I want to encourage you that your dreams are POSSIBLE!
Your dreams can turn into a beautiful opportunity to bless your family and others!


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Kleiner Family Summer Recap

Now that I have officially accepted that summer is over (which is really ok because FALL),
I wanted to recap our summer of adventures!
It was truly an outstanding summer and we had so much fun experiencing many new things with Emersyn.
Here are just a few highlights from our summer: 

We kicked off summer with Memorial Day Weekend in Chicago!

Rocked out to the Rolling Stones for our anniversary

We visited a splash pad…

Ok we visited a lot of splash pads ;)

We took several trips to Valleyfair with our passes

And we went on many rides on the 4th of July!

We spent many nights going out for ice cream

and visited some new places like the Children's Museum!

We had tons of mommy & Emme dates

and strolled the zoo nearly once a week!

We explored our city

and we even got a van ;) (insert shameless van plug here #seriouslygetone)

Of course, we savored several days of the MN State Fair

and we closed the summer out with Emersyn's 2nd birthday!

It sure was a summer to remember!
But… not gonna lie… I'm cozied up in my sweater today with a big pumpkin latte
and I'm thinking fall is pretty darn great too ;)


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Update on my New Years Resolutions

Remember that list you write at the beginning of every year?
You know, those resolutions?
They may be big dreams and lofty goals, or perhaps maybe some are practical but you just haven't had the time?

At the beginning of this year I thought really long and hard about my resolutions. I made a list (and lets face it, I do every year but end up forgetting about it) and decided that I would stick to it. And truthfully, I have kept this little list tucked in my mind throughout this entire year! Here is an update to a few of my resolutions (the update is in bold italics):

Resolution #1: Read 25 books.

Again, we all know I am a self-proclaimed nerd and I am completely unashamed! I absolutely love to read and considering that last year I really only read parenting books, I think this is the year to dive back into reading some fun books as well as some challenging books by Christian authors. I received several great titles for Christmas, including "Unglued" by Lysa TerKeurst, "Yes Please" by Amy Poehler, and "Hands Free Mama" by Rachel Macy Stafford.

I have actually REALLY stuck to this resolution. I have read 16 books so far and am currently in the process of reading 3 more. I think I will achieve this by the end of the year!

Resolution #2: Get into a workout routine.

I know this one is so cliche, but I really want to create a work-out routine that I can stick to. I used to work for a gym in my pre-baby days and finding time to workout was a piece of cake. But since little E girl came into the world, working out has been the last thing I want to do (I mean really, who wants to run when you can snuggle a cute baby?!) The baby weight has yet to completely fall off, so I would like to work on losing that as well. But ultimately, just looking for a healthier lifestyle change! Strong vs. skinny here, people ;)

I will say that this year, Ethan and I have focused on health more than ever. In March, we did the Whole30 for the entire month and lost 10 lbs a piece. We gained it all back this summer and then we tried the 21 Day Fix in September which helped jumpstart us back into healthy eating. One thing I will say that I have come to terms with is that I am not a workout person. I'm just not. It's not a priority to me in this stage of life and I'm learning that is OK. I would rather focus on eating healthy and being active in the everyday (like taking walks, exploring parks, etc.) One day, maybe I will have time to go to the gym but for now I am perfectly content snuggling my baby girl at home.

Resolution #3: Save more & give more.

We started doing Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University Program this summer and it has changed our lives in so many ways. This program has helped us to budget our money as well as save money & pay off debt. We did fall off the bandwagon a little bit in December with the holidays, but we are back in full savings mode now that January has hit! If anyone wants more information on this program, let me know. I cannot recommend it enough for preparing for your future and being released from the bondage of debt! On top of just saving, I want to give more. We are so blessed to be apart of a church that loves to give and I want to be able to contribute even more than we already do this year.

We have done really well with budgeting every month. Sure there are times when we go over budget, but overall we have had peace in our finances this year thanks to Dave Ramsey. We have also been able to give more this year than ever before. I cannot recommend this course enough!

Resolution #4: Create more "me" time without the guilt factor.

This one is probably going to be the hardest for me. As many of you mamas can probably relate, it can be very difficult to schedule some alone time away from the littles- let alone it can come with a huge weight of guilt. This year, I hope to get better at planning a couple mornings/evenings to myself to just unwind, relax, and do the things that I love to do. In my mind, a re-energized, happy mama makes a happier home! I also think that if I set aside one or two days a month to meal plan/cut coupons/review our calendar/create our budget- I would be much less stressed than trying to do all that during the week.

Emersyn's Mom's Day Out has really allowed me to have a day to myself and I am not ashamed to say I LOVE it. Some days I hit the mall for hours, some days I clean the house top to bottom, and some days I just stay in my comfy clothes and read and drink coffee. It's great knowing I have a day to do whatever my little heart desires and I have found that it really helps me be a better mama when I fill my own tank too. I have also been better about letting Ethan know when I need some alone time and he will watch her while I take a long shower or run a quick errand if I need an escape.

Resolution #5: Clean the whole house & purge what we don't need.

Self explanatory! I would love to start the year off with a squeaky clean house and a huge trip to the Goodwill. Especially now that Christmas has come & gone, it's out with the old and in with the new!

We have gotten rid of SO MUCH EXCESS this year. The online garage sale has been my best friend and we have sold tons and made extra cash, so much so that it paid for our trip to Florida that we are taking in a few weeks. We have found such contentment in not having a bunch of stuff we don't need and enjoying the things we have that we love. We also found joy in donating what we didn't need to those who do need.

Resolution #6: Grow my business.

Last year was my first year running my own business and I have absolutely loved it. It has been so much fun meeting new people through this venture who have really become some of my best friends and I have loved leading my team of girls. I hope to grow it even more in 2015!

This is funny because just this last month, I have closed up my Thirty-One business. However, I have really found my passions this year. I have been blogging more than ever. I have been apart of several book launch teams which I have really enjoyed. I realized that these things are of more value to me and that they are really what my heart beats fast for. I am thankful for this discovery!

Resolution #7: Grow in my faith.

I want to read some new devotional books this year that will challenge me in my faith. Last year, I read a couple wonderful books and took part in two awesome bible studies and I cannot wait to see what more I learn in study this year. Currently, I am also LOVING #365daysoftruth by She Reads Truth. This is a 365-day plan that takes you through the bible all of 2015. I have the app on my phone and I love the progress tracker that shows me how much I have completed. You can also print the reading plan out online. Highly recommend it to everyone!

My faith has definitely grown this year through numerous bible studies and conferences I have attended. Of course, I will always be growing in my faith no matter what but this year I can definitely see the areas I have grown in.

Resolution #8: Date my hubby more.

With our busy schedules, I am not always the best at penciling in date nights and getting a sitter. I hope that we can atleast squeeze in one date a month, preferably even twice a month. It's so important!

We have definitely gone on more dates this year than in the past years. Thankfully with Ethan's new work schedule it is much easier to pencil in a date night. We enjoyed many great patio dinners this summer and tried several new restaurants. We are looking to plan some fun dates this winter too with all the holiday activities going on in our city.

Resolution #9: Plan more family outings.

We do go out as a family a lot, but I would love to schedule some little family trips especially this summer. For example, a day in Duluth, a trip to Stillwater, an afternoon at the Children's Museum, etc. We are pretty good about getting out and about locally, but I'd like to expand our horizons a little bit ;) Family date days are my favorite!!

It's so fun for me to read this because we have done ALL these things! We went to Duluth in June, Stillwater in September, and have been to the Children's Museum a couple times with friends. We have made family days a priority and I love to set aside a special day each month that we know is dedicated to doing something we enjoy together as a family. 

Resolution #10: Let it go.

As a wise Frozen character once said, LET. IT. GO. This one is also not easy for me. I have always struggled with worrying about things, overthinking things, and considering far too many options or opinions when making a decision. This year, I want to let it go. I want to embrace what God has for me without doubt. I want to fully trust in Him and not worry about the unneccessary things of life. Much easier said than done, but really do want to challenge myself to this.

Wow. I really have let a lot go this year. I'm surprised even as I read this that I haven't struggled with worry, anxiety, or indecision nearly as much as I used to. I truly believe God has healed me of this this year as I used to have such a hard time with these things. I have learned to let go of what others think, let go of what my preconceived notions are, and most importantly to let go of my control and give it to God. Of course, this is an ongoing process but I do feel that I have made great strides in these areas in 2015.

WOW! That was so fun for me to look back on.
I can't wait to even update these more come January 2016. A lot can change in 3 months!
I encourage you all to try this next year as I have seen that this really helps me to recognize what the Lord has done for us in a year's time and to give Him appropriate praise for all He has done!

With a grateful heart,



Tuesday, September 22, 2015

School Bound

Last Tuesday, our E girl started "school" (aka: Mom's Day Out) once a week!
She was so excited and so brave, 
didn't even cry when mom left and as soon as I picked her up she told me all about her day!
I asked her, "Emersyn, what did you do at school today?"
Her response: "Lunch…. Snack…. Gym…. Bikes." You know, all the good stuff. 

Today is her second day and I am just so thankful we found this program.
It's so refreshing for my spirit to have one day that I know I can get things done.
Cleaning, cooking, errands… I save the big things for Tuesdays.
 Then, I can really enjoy the rest of the week with her without any stress hanging over my head.
 It's truly magical.

Here are a few snapshots from E's first day:

And today while packing her lunch, I found this little treasure folded up inside:

Ok seriously, CUTEST. DAD. EVER.
#ilovehim #thebestgirldad 

Also, can I just say how excited I am that tomorrow is OFFICIALLY Fall?!
#fallelujah #myfavoriteseason #pumpkineverything


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Emersyn's 2nd Birthday

Our sweet E girl turned 2 on September 4th!

We celebrated with a weekend full of fun that included: a teddy bear tea party with her friends, pizza and cupcakes with one set of grandparents, a trip to the MN State Fair, and dinner again with her other set of grandparents! We believe in birthday weeks in this house ;)

Here are some photos from Em's birthday weekend!

A little note to our birthday girl:

We are so thankful for the two amazing years we have spent with you.
You make us smile every day. We love your sweet, silly, sassy little self. We love that you literally kiss and hug every single person you see. We love that you dance whenever music is playing. We love that you are fiercely independent. We love that you are into all things girly: your purse, your jewelry, headbands, bows, and of course dress up. You always ask if we can pray and we know you already love Jesus. We love how candy, donuts, and ice cream instantly make you light up (just like us). You are so smart and have a remarkable memory. You amaze us every day and we are so blessed to be your parents. Keep shining bright, baby! We love you so much! 


*Huge thank you to Metallic Gorilla for creating the ADORABLE "Two" shirt that Emme wore throughout her entire day! Mamas, check them out for customized tees for your littles!*

Friday, August 21, 2015

Splurge/Spend/Save: Backpacks

With my little lady going to "school" (a one-day per week mom's day out program)
for the first time this fall,
I have been on the search for a cute but functional backpack for her!

I figured it was time for another installment in my Splurge/Spend/Save series, 
so what better to feature than backpacks?!

Here are three of my current faves for my little cutie:

1. Splurge ($59.50): JCrew Tulle Backpack

Like seriously?! How stinkin' amazing are those ruffles?! Fancy but functional, this JCrew bag is my fave if you're willing to spend a few extra bucks!

This is actually what we decided to purchase for our little E. I love that they have a Pre-K size which is perfect for my two-year old (although the thought of her with a giant backpack weighed down to the floor is adorable!) I love how this bag has several pockets and clips to attach a lunch bag on to the front. I did get a great deal on this bag plus free shipping during a recent promo!

3. Save ($19.94- Sale for $15.00): Old Navy Patterned Backpack

I was SHOCKED at how many cute bags I found at Old Navy! Neons, florals, aztec prints.... and my favorite of course- CHEETAH! These are at a crazy good price point and you could probably even get this for even cheaper with some of the great back-to-school coupons and extra savings going on. They even have matching lunch bags for $5!

What backpacks do you mamas love for your littles?


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Traveling with Littles

One thing that we really love to do in this family is travel.
Whether near or far, it is one of our favorite pastimes.

Both my hubby & I agree that we love to explore new places and that we would rather share experiences together than get tons of gifts and things. This is something I hope we can carry on as I would love to look back on a life with tons of family experiences rather than tons of stuff. #partofitismyocd #cleanfreak #tossallthethings 

We traveled a lot together from the time we were married until we had Emersyn. Living in Europe will do that to you ;) It was an amazing time and I will forever cherish those memories! However, we are determined to travel just as much with children. I know people say "Traveling with kids is so much work!" "It's not even a vacation with kids!" "It's just the same as being at home if I'm still having to take care of them!" All to which I say yes, it is quite a bit of work (and we have definitely enjoyed a vacation alone a time or two!) It isn't always relaxing and you definitely don't get to lounge by the pool with your headphones. However, we have found many ways to make vacationing with a little so much more enjoyable & FUN! Here are a few of my favorite tips for traveling with your kiddos:

1. Look at every inconvenience as a blessing.

We have found that vacationing opens up the door to late bedtimes, early mornings, missed naps, random mealtimes, tested patience.... you name it! These things can seem like inconveniences especially compared to the super-structed lives we live day-to-day at home. But we have found that some of these inconveniences have lead to some of the most beautiful memories. For example...

Emersyn didn't sleep all night in Duluth. We decided to get out of the hotel at 6:00am and walk Lake Superior's shores. Not a soul was out there and we got to witness this. Insane beauty we would have missed if we would have been sleeping. 

Due to the time changing, Emersyn woke up way too early in Florida. We enjoyed quiet mornings on the balcony that we also would have missed.

#perspective #notalwayseasy #butalwaysworthit

2. Distractions are your friend.

Oh, distractions. They really are lifesavers in times of desperation! We have done both car and plane trips with Emersyn and have found that these little guys are vital to a great trip. You want to stick stickers all over the seat in front of us? SURE! You want to buckle and unbuckle your backpack over and over? GO AHEAD! These little distractions can end up taking your little one's attention for moments if not minutes, even if they seem obnoxious to you. Also, it is worth mentioning that the Target dollar spot is your BFF for engaging activities that don't cost a bunch! We have purchased light up toys, Slinkys, coloring books, bouncy balls, etc. from the dollar spot and they have never disappointed us!

Sure, stand on the chair!

Carry-on approved! 

3. Don't feel confined by nap time.

Let me be the first to tell you that I am RIGID when it comes to naps at home. I mean like when 1:00 hits, my child is in her bed no if's, and's, or but's. However, on vacation, we have found it sooooo freeing if we forget about naps. Instead of feeling like we have to pause whatever we are doing to get back to the hotel from 1-3pm, we have found that its so much easier to just stay out and let them nap in the stroller or just have an earlier bedtime. If they are tired, they will sleep! We have found it insanely enjoyable also when Emersyn does sleep in the stroller and we can enjoy a coffee or snack together... almost like a date!

Cab snoozin' in Chicago

Beds were only for playing in in Wisconsin Dells

4. Rely on others. 

I cannot stress this enough. There is 99.9% of the time someone available to help you while traveling. Whether it be the hotel providing you with a fridge to store snacks, a helping hand to get your bags to the room, or even a little water bottle to hydrate your kiddo, we have found that those working at hotels, attractions, and airlines usually go above and beyond to assist families. We have had a concierge give us cookies, a flight attendant give us stickers, and people at some of our favorite tourist spots offer to take photos/set up highchairs/distract our kid for a couple seconds/etc. Use these people! They are here to help and to help you de-stress on your vacation!

Disney has brilliant employees that take amazing candid photos like this one! 

5. Dress comfortably. 

The worst thing ever is when you're uncomfortable or your kids are uncomfortable traveling. We always wear tennis shoes, loose fitting pants or dresses), and plenty of layers. You never know when a place is going to be super hot or super cold! Especially with diaper changes (or even potty training), its also important to dress simply. You never know when you'll be changing a diaper in your stroller in the middle of Disney World ;) #iknowfromexperience #sweatpantsforthewin

Athletic pants & a comfy tee plus a jean jacket for chilly nights worked wonderfully in Disney! Oh and of course, Minnie ears for the win ;)

A light windbreaker and comfy shoes (insert shameless love for Natives here) were perfect for The Bean in Chicago!

What are some little survival tips you have for traveling with kids?
I would love to know them before we head out for our next trip in October!


Thursday, August 6, 2015

"Dancing Through Life" by Candace Cameron Bure

As some of you may know, I was selected to be apart of the launch team for Candace Cameron Bure's new book, "Dancing Through Life" about her journey on Dancing With The Stars. I was honored to be selected as I love Candace not only for her acting roles but for who she is as a women. She's a strong woman of God and I admire her boldness and courage to share the Gospel even when it is not popular in Hollywood. Here is a little Q & A based off of some of the themes presented in the book:

  • Chapter Eleven is titled “Crossing the Finish Line” and shares some insight into the endurance and strength Candace needed mentally, physically and spiritually to finish Dancing with the Stars.
  • The same is true in life - we often have to prepare ourselves to walk through many unexpected and difficult circumstances. Share a time when you’ve had to do so.
  • How did you respond initially to your circumstance? It was very unexpected and difficult when we found out that Ethan was being deployed only 6 weeks after we got married. I was not prepared for this at all, but it was the only choice I had to be strong. Initially, I was anything but strong. I was upset, mad, and fearful. It felt undeserved that someone who just got married would have to be apart for a whole year. It was definitely the hardest thing I had had to deal with up until that point in life.
  • What did you learn in your journey? Through my journey, I learned so much about God. I felt his love and care for me even in the times that I was lonely. I felt encouraged by the prayers of others. I learned that God is a compassionate God who wanted to hold me in his arms during my times of despair. I also learned that I had a choice to be joyful or downright miserable for a year and I was firm in choosing JOY!
  • How did your journey help you see God more clearly and trust in Him more completely? I saw God so clearly during that time and I really had no other choice but to completely trust Him. I trusted he would bring Ethan home safe and I trusted that he would help me wake up each morning with a positive outlook even in my dire circumstances. 
  • What are practical steps others can take during a situation like this in a way that is encouraging, authentic and helpful?
    It really helped me to take the steps of 1) turning to God in my pain 2) asking Him to give me strength when I felt weak and helpless 3) trusting that this was his plan for our lives and 4) thanking him for giving me this trial even though it was so painful because it only deepened my love for him and for my husband! These things I did daily and without them I'm not sure I would have stood as strongly as I did that year!

This post was inspired by Candace Cameron Bure’s new book, Dancing Through Life: Steps of Courage and Conviction. Order your copy of #DancingThroughLife today!



Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Emersyn's 23 Month Update

My little chick is twenty three months old today!
We are officially in party planning mode for her big two year old bash!
Miss Personality sure is keeping us entertained these days and we just love this age!

Age: 23 months

Stats: Approx. 30 lbs

Favorite Foods: Do cake pops from Starbucks count? HA! She asks for them every time I drive by one! #ivecreatedamonster. She loves grapes, cheese, macaroni, Veggie Straws, pizza, berries, avocados, and pancakes.

Words: Tons of new ones every day! My fave is listening to her try to say "swimsuit" ;) She also says "home", "house", "bus", "truck", "wet", "mess", & "rain" as of this month!

Loves bouncing on her new trampoline! Still enjoys taking care of her baby dolls and playing with her dollhouse. Loves playing outside and enjoyed her first bonfire at Papa's house last weekend (she loved the roasted marshmallows, of course!) We are loving summer activities and are already trying to mentally prepare for fall/winter approaching!

Favorite Things: Loves Buzz & Woody from Toy Story, her favorite show is Little Einsteins, loves her rain boots & tutu (which she likes to wear at the same time) ;)

Signature Moves: Jumping, dancing, waving HI to everyone & blowing kisses goodbye, singing, still loves to give everyone hugs and just learned how to fist bump!

Mom's Proudest Moment: Seeing E's vocabulary just blow up these past few weeks! She's really becoming a little girl and not a baby anymore! Also- we are officially 4 days in to being pacifier free! WOOHOO! (She still takes it at night but still, huge step for her!)

Dad's Proudest Moment: He just loves enjoying his weekends off with her! He has had a couple daddy daughter dates with her and just loves being a girl dad!

Can't believe next time I post I will have a 2 YEAR OLD!
SEEEE-riously how does this happen?
Life is a just blink, ya'll!
