Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Emersyn's 16 Month Update

Sweet E girl is already 16 months! 
One and a half is quickly approaching - excuse me while I sob ;) #growingtoofast
We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and New Year together just as Emme was turning 16 months, which was definitely a highlight.
Here are a few of Em's latest & greatest moments:

Age: 16 1/2 months
Stats: Probably around 26ish pounds? She is still tall & skinny!
Clothes: 2T 

Favorite Foods: She is obsessed with yogurt, cookies, hot dogs, goldfish crackers, macaroni and cheese, and any type of fruit or veggies! She is such a good eater- for that, we are grateful :)

Words: This girl seems like she has new words to say daily! She is starting to use multi word phrases which is so fun :) She says "hi baby" to her friends and tries to say "have a good day" when daddy goes to work... which is adorable! She is learning more concepts too like open vs. closed, up vs. down, in vs. out!

Activities: We have been playing a lot at the Lifetime Child Center lately which is such a blessing! Mamas, I highly recommend a gym with 2 hours of free child care- its great for the both of us!! E is still Frozen obsessed so we watch that quite frequently ;) 

Favorite Things: She is loving all her new Christmas toys. Her favorites include her Fisher Price Farm with all the animals inside and her baby with its carseat. And of course, her singing Olaf doll & her Elsa doll ;)

Signature Moves: Saying "HI" to every. single. person. everywhere we go! Love my friendly girl!

Mom's Proudest Moment: Em is finally getting really good with using a spoon. Must be all that yogurt consumption ;) I love seeing her do that!

Dad's Proudest Moment: Watching Emme learn how to go down stairs without falling. He was so impressed she knew how to turn around and go down safely!

2015 has been busy thus far for the Kleiner fam, but we definitely enjoy the moments we get to stop and just enjoy watching Emersyn grow! Toddlerhood is busy & sometimes super crazy, but we are so thankful for an active, healthy, and happy girl!


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Years Resolutions for 2015!

The new year has begun! 
So far it has been nothing but wonderful over here at the Kleiner household!

I am big on resolutions for the new year. I love the idea of a fresh start & a clean slate. I also love thinking about how a whole year lies ahead with endless possibilities! I am a super goal-oriented person so resolutions just make me excited ;) #nerdy #extremelytypeA

My hubby and I went out for a date the night before New Years Eve to discuss some goals for 2015. It was so great to share our hearts with one another & I think it really helps to just align your game plan for the year with your spouse. Two are better than one when it comes to goals in my mind!

Here are some of my personal resolutions. I can't wait to look back on this at the end of 2015 to see what I have achieved!

Resolution #1: Read 25 books.

Again, we all know I am a self-proclaimed nerd and I am completely unashamed! I absolutely love to read and considering that last year I really only read parenting books, I think this is the year to dive back into reading some fun books as well as some challenging books by Christian authors. I received several great titles for Christmas, including "Unglued" by Lysa TerKeurst, "Yes Please" by Amy Poehler, and "Hands Free Mama" by Rachel Macy Stafford. 

Resolution #2: Get into a workout routine.

I know this one is so cliche, but I really want to create a work-out routine that I can stick to. I used to work for a gym in my pre-baby days and finding time to workout was a piece of cake. But since little E girl came into the world, working out has been the last thing I want to do (I mean really, who wants to run when you can snuggle a cute baby?!) The baby weight has yet to completely fall off, so I would like to work on losing that as well. But ultimately, just looking for a healthier lifestyle change! Strong vs. skinny here, people ;)

Resolution #3: Save more & give more.

We started doing Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University Program this summer and it has changed our lives in so many ways. This program has helped us to budget our money as well as save money & pay off debt. We did fall off the bandwagon a little bit in December with the holidays, but we are back in full savings mode now that January has hit! If anyone wants more information on this program, let me know. I cannot recommend it enough for preparing for your future and being released from the bondage of debt! On top of just saving, I want to give more. We are so blessed to be apart of a church that loves to give and I want to be able to contribute even more than we already do this year.

Resolution #4: Create more "me" time without the guilt factor.

This one is probably going to be the hardest for me. As many of you mamas can probably relate, it can be very difficult to schedule some alone time away from the littles- let alone it can come with a huge weight of guilt. This year, I hope to get better at planning a couple mornings/evenings to myself to just unwind, relax, and do the things that I love to do. In my mind, a re-energized, happy mama makes a happier home! I also think that if I set aside one or two days a month to meal plan/cut coupons/review our calendar/create our budget- I would be much less stressed than trying to do all that during the week.

Resolution #5: Clean the whole house & purge what we don't need.

Self explanatory! I would love to start the year off with a squeaky clean house and a huge trip to the Goodwill. Especially now that Christmas has come & gone, it's out with the old and in with the new!

Resolution #6: Grow my business.

Last year was my first year running my own business and I have absolutely loved it. It has been so much fun meeting new people through this venture who have really become some of my best friends and I have loved leading my team of girls. I hope to grow it even more in 2015!

Resolution #7: Grow in my faith.

I want to read some new devotional books this year that will challenge me in my faith. Last year, I read a couple wonderful books and took part in two awesome bible studies and I cannot wait to see what more I learn in study this year. Currently, I am also LOVING #365daysoftruth by She Reads Truth. This is a 365-day plan that takes you through the bible all of 2015. I have the app on my phone and I love the progress tracker that shows me how much I have completed. You can also print the reading plan out online. Highly recommend it to everyone!

Resolution #8: Date my hubby more.

With our busy schedules, I am not always the best at penciling in date nights and getting a sitter. I hope that we can atleast squeeze in one date a month, preferably even twice a month. It's so important!

Resolution #9: Plan more family outings.

We do go out as a family a lot, but I would love to schedule some little family trips especially this summer. For example, a day in Duluth, a trip to Stillwater, an afternoon at the Children's Museum, etc. We are pretty good about getting out and about locally, but I'd like to expand our horizons a little bit ;) Family date days are my favorite!!

Resolution #10: Let it go.

As a wise Frozen character once said, LET. IT. GO. This one is also not easy for me. I have always struggled with worrying about things, overthinking things, and considering far too many options or opinions when making a decision. This year, I want to let it go. I want to embrace what God has for me without doubt. I want to fully trust in Him and not worry about the unneccessary things of life. Much easier said than done, but really do want to challenge myself to this.

And there you have it folks! Ten resolutions for 2015. Yes, potentially a little over-ambitious, but that's what goal setting is all about... and I'm reaching for the stars, ya'll ;)

What are some of your resolutions this year?
Hope you all have had a great start to 2015!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Our Year in Review ~ 2014 Edition

Wow, ya'll. WHAT a year!
In 2013, I declared that I had the best year of my life after giving birth to Emersyn, buying our first home, and Ethan's first full year of being home for good.
While it was a great year, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that 2014 topped that!

Here are some of the highlights/most memorable moments of our 2014:

-I chopped my hair off and rocked a mean "lob"

-Celebrated my 23rd birthday

-Became a stay-at-home mom in February (I like to say I acquired my dream job!)

-Saw several of my best friends get married throughout the year

-Went to Chicago on a romantic getaway with my hubby in May

-Saw Paul McCartney in concert with my Dad on his birthday weekend... a lifelong wish come true!

-Started my own business with Thirty-One at the end of April

-Cut my hand open and got 6 stitches

-Celebrated three years of marriage in June

-Had Emersyn dedicated to the Lord on Mothers Day

-Took our first family vacation to Wisconsin Dells in July

-Ethan got a new position at work in operations

-Celebrated our sweet Emersyn turning 1 in September (I hope to always remember the way she chowed down that cake!)

-Met some lifelong friends through bible study- I can't imagine doing life without these wonderful women!

-Paid off an entire student loan through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University

-Celebrated my sister's golden 20th birthday in October

-Completed many home decorating projects... our house is finally feeling like HOME! We finished Emersyn's bathroom, our playroom, and did a lot of decorating in our bedroom & living room.

-Created this blog! :)

As I look back on 2014, I cannot help but be overwhelmed by how much the Lord has blessed us. We are so thankful for His presence in our lives and for how time & time again, He continues to surprise us with the goodness He has for us that is beyond what we could have ever planned or imagined.

We look forward to 2015- there is going to be lots of cleaning, organizing, exercising, decorating, vacationing, and so much more this year! We hope you will keep up with us on this blog- which is going to be getting a major facelift in the coming months! I hope to blog much more regularly than I did in 2014, now that I'm out of the whole "taking care of a newborn survival mode" stage ;)

Blessings to you all & HAPPY NEW YEAR!