Tuesday, September 22, 2015

School Bound

Last Tuesday, our E girl started "school" (aka: Mom's Day Out) once a week!
She was so excited and so brave, 
didn't even cry when mom left and as soon as I picked her up she told me all about her day!
I asked her, "Emersyn, what did you do at school today?"
Her response: "Lunch…. Snack…. Gym…. Bikes." You know, all the good stuff. 

Today is her second day and I am just so thankful we found this program.
It's so refreshing for my spirit to have one day that I know I can get things done.
Cleaning, cooking, errands… I save the big things for Tuesdays.
 Then, I can really enjoy the rest of the week with her without any stress hanging over my head.
 It's truly magical.

Here are a few snapshots from E's first day:

And today while packing her lunch, I found this little treasure folded up inside:

Ok seriously, CUTEST. DAD. EVER.
#ilovehim #thebestgirldad 

Also, can I just say how excited I am that tomorrow is OFFICIALLY Fall?!
#fallelujah #myfavoriteseason #pumpkineverything


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Emersyn's 2nd Birthday

Our sweet E girl turned 2 on September 4th!

We celebrated with a weekend full of fun that included: a teddy bear tea party with her friends, pizza and cupcakes with one set of grandparents, a trip to the MN State Fair, and dinner again with her other set of grandparents! We believe in birthday weeks in this house ;)

Here are some photos from Em's birthday weekend!

A little note to our birthday girl:

We are so thankful for the two amazing years we have spent with you.
You make us smile every day. We love your sweet, silly, sassy little self. We love that you literally kiss and hug every single person you see. We love that you dance whenever music is playing. We love that you are fiercely independent. We love that you are into all things girly: your purse, your jewelry, headbands, bows, and of course dress up. You always ask if we can pray and we know you already love Jesus. We love how candy, donuts, and ice cream instantly make you light up (just like us). You are so smart and have a remarkable memory. You amaze us every day and we are so blessed to be your parents. Keep shining bright, baby! We love you so much! 


*Huge thank you to Metallic Gorilla for creating the ADORABLE "Two" shirt that Emme wore throughout her entire day! Mamas, check them out for customized tees for your littles!*