Thursday, July 30, 2015

Summer Reads: Part 2

My Summer Reads series is back today and I am THRILLED to share these titles with you!
This summer, I have really been intentional about reading. 

When E was first born, reading was the last thing on my to-do list, however I have realized that it gives me so much joy to read and really is one of my favorite hobbies... so now I really try to prioritize it during my "me" time! (insert nerd alert here). I made it my goal to read 25 books this year and so far I am 13 books in! #newyearsresolutionstillgoingstrong #shockingiknow

Check out these amazing reads & also check out my account on Goodreads to read my recommendations and ratings on a whole bunch of my favorite books!

I absolutely loved Candace as DJ Tanner on Full House when I was growing up and I enjoyed watching her journey on Dancing with the Stars. This book reveals all that she went through behind the scenes of the show as well as many of her convictions on faith and family. This book holds so much great Biblical truth with very practical application and I really took away a lot from this book. I will be doing a full review on some of the themes from this book next week as I am on the official launch team so stay tuned!

2. The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

This mega-popular book made it into my hands and I finished it in two days. WOW. So much great wisdom on organizing and tidying! I wanted to basically start over and reorganize my whole house when I was done. The KonMari method is all about finding joy in what you have in your home and organizing things in a way that nothing is forgotten or goes unnoticed. I really enjoyed learning about this method and hope to apply some of these principles in our home! Definitely read this if you plan to do a big fall cleaning before back to school, it will help so much!

Those three words Let It Go made so popular by Frozen have a whole new meaning with this book. As women, I find that we have so many roles & jobs as the keeper of the home, mom, wife, friend, daughter... the list goes on! This book talks about letting go of the need to always control and plan and to really just give it all over to God. This book was a great reminder to me as I am definitely a super Type A personality and could let go in some areas for sure!

4. Savor by Shauna Niequist

This is actually a year long devotional that I am reading but I just adore this book. Shauna's life lessons are worded so beautifully just as many of her other books that I have read. She has such a gift with words and paints the perfect picture of the scenes she describes. Whether on family, love, loss, relationships, heartache, happiness, health, or finances, Shauna covers all the topics we deal with in life in this devotional. I highly recommend this if you are looking to start diving into a devotional!

5. The Fringe Hours by Jessica Turner 

Every woman needs to get this book like ASAP. Like read this blog post and get in your car and drive to Target and snatch this baby up (with a Starbucks too for added pleasure ;)) Seriously this book is so good for those of you like me that struggle with time management. As a mom and wife, I have many roles in my household that I love and enjoy so much that sometimes I forget to make a little time for myself. This book is all about how to use the "fringe" hours of your day to make a little extra time for you or to use those hours productively so that ultimately you can make more time for what you enjoy. This book is so practical and so easy to read- I just LOVED it! I have found myself making more time for me and realize how much that fills me up to do the things I am passionate about. Can't say enough good things about this treasure!

What are some of your current faves, fellow bookworms?


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Desktop Pretties

It's no secret that I have an undying affection for desktop pretties.
Maybe it's the teacher in me, maybe it's the girly girl in me... either way, it is mad LOVE.

We're talking cute stationary, adorable notebooks, and of course, gold scissors (because I mean COME ON #sofancy #iloveallthingsgold). 

With back to school right around the corner, here are some fun little things to dress up your desk!

1. Gold scissors- YA'LL. I mean these are just plain fancy and fab. I mean I cut my coupons with them every week and smile ;) #icallthatawin

2. Gold chevron letter- I love me a good monogram. Plus #goldlove, people. It's an obsession.

3. Folders- I love these folders with fun sayings. Perfect for filing away your budget forms, coupons, assignments, etc. in style. #ivenowmentionedcouponingtwice #nerdinesslevelisrising

4. Pen holder- This is actually a candle holder but it makes the most perfect pen holder! It's simple yet adorable and for that price just buy it NOW.

5. Sharpie pens- These are my all time most favorite pens and I just love the way they write! Plus they come in a whole lotta fun colors.

6. Emily Ley planner- Guys. I am a nerd. And I LOVE planners. And this is like, thee planner of all the planners. It's colorful, it has a gorgeous layout, and Emily has truly thought of everything in designing this little beauty. The academic daily version has been released already and is the one that I own, but the Jan-Dec 2016 daily version comes out September 9th so mark your calendars! It is worth every little penny you spend on it!

This post could really be like 1,000 things long but I will cap it for you at 5 ;)
What are some of your fave little things that make you smile just like desktop pretties for me?


Friday, July 17, 2015

Budget Like A Boss

A year ago we took Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course and it changed the way we look at our finances forever.

We went from eating out a ton, buying unnecessary things, and constantly wondering where our money went at the end of the month to giving each dollar we have a name and a place.

We cut up all our cards, only use cash for purchases, create budgeting worksheets that show us exactly where our money goes, and we thinking more about saving than spending.

While all those things are essential to maintain our budget, we have found that a majority of our success has come from putting into practice a few key habits when it comes to budgeting. Here are my top five budget tips to get you in the habit of saving money!

1. Eat what you have. This concept has helped us soooo much when it comes to making meals. We eat what we have in the fridge, pantry, or freezer and regularly do a big freezer stock up and don't fill it up again until it is literally empty. Actually, right now we are finishing up week two of eating dinner from things we have in the cabinets and fridge. Sure it means that sometimes we eat weird food combinations (hello tacos with mashed potatoes- what?!) or things that may not create the most gourmet meal, but it definitely has saved us hundreds of dollars and helps us to keep our kitchen shelves empty without boxes of stuff from who-knows-when ;)

2. Buy on clearance & don't be afraid to coupon. Nothing gets me more excited than those red clearance stickers at Target! HA! We literally only buy clothing, accessories, kids stuff, electronics, etc. on clearance unless something is a vital necessity and is only offered at full price. Usually, we also stack coupons or discounts (my personal favorite is the Cartwheel app from Target) on top of clearance prices to get extremely good deals. Couponing websites such as Hip2Save and PocketYourDollars have also really helped us with finding out where the best deals are and I browse them every time before we hit a store! This trick I can guarantee will put a few extra bucks back in your bank.

3. Shop out of season. I seriously bought Emersyn's entire wardrobe for this fall at the end of last winter. I grabbed a pile of 3 pants, 6 tops, 1 dress, 2 sweatshirts, a 4.99 winter coat, a pair of snow pants, a cute furry vest, and a pair of warm pajamas at my beloved Target for $61.49! Yes- 16 pieces of  clothing for less than $65! That's new clothes at even better than garage sale prices! If you are aware of what season your child needs clothes for and can guess what size they will be by that time, I totally think shopping out of season is essential to clothing your family on the cheap! My favorite places for amazing clearance finds are Target, Gap, and Old Navy.

4. Tackle your debt before it tackles you. Debt can be such a burden for so many families. I mean who doesn't have student loans, medical bills, home mortgage payments, car payments... the list goes on! It is almost inevitable that debt will find its way to us at some point; however we can change our response to it. Instead of just getting by with minimum payments that seem to never even put a dent in that number with two many 0's at the end of it, try to pay over and above. Whenever you have extra money (from a bonus/garage sale/etc), pay down your debt. If your income allows, consciously make a payment that is over what is due. These two tactics will help you release yourself from the bondage of debt and once that debt is gone, it will feel like you got a raise!

5. Find ways to do things cheaper. This has actually become a fun game for me! I am always looking for how I can accomplish a basic need for less money. For example, grocery shopping at places like Aldi and Trader Joes have saved us a ton especially on produce. We stock up on meats and canned/boxed goods at Costco. We stockpile deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, cosmetics, etc. when there is a good deal plus coupons. We got rid of household unnecessary items like dryer sheets, use less paper towels and use microfiber washable cloths for cleaning, and purchased a Roku for our TV so we don't pay for cable. Little things like this can add up to hundreds if not thousands of dollars in savings over time! Finding the things you can live without in your home and getting rid of them or even just shopping somewhere else can save you big bucks.

Friends, tell me your best budgeting tips!
I am always excited to learn about deals/websites/strategies that I didn't know about before!

If this is an area that you are struggling with, I also highly recommend taking Financial Peace University. It will change you and your family's LIFE!


Friday, July 10, 2015

Emersyn's 22 Month Update

Twenty two months have come and gone for this little gal!
 Summer is totally her jam & we are lovin' this season.

We took a short road trip to Duluth the last weekend in June and had such a wonderful time! Definitely one of the highlights of our summer!
We also had a great Fourth of July, and Emersyn loved the fireworks, rides, candy, parades, and family get-togethers that came with that!

Age: 22 months

Stats: Approx. 30 lbs

Favorite Foods: Her favorite summer food is WATERMELON! The girl can't get enough. Rice, baked beans, popsicles, and burgers are some new faves.

Words: New words every day it seems! Just this week she started saying "yes" instead of "ya" and it's darn cute if you ask me! She also just started saying "shoes", "yellow", "happy birthday", "bike", and all her animal sounds are finally mastered!

Anything with water, loves playing at the park, going on rides, coloring, playing with her Little People toys, building block towers, and putting her babies "night night" in our bed :)

Favorite Things: Shopping (seriously... it's like she's my kid or something, she asks for the mall!), taking mama's water bottle and using it as her own, sunglasses, hats, anything fancy like necklaces or scarves, baby dolls, and she's obsessed with Barney!

Signature Moves: Singing her fave Barney songs, demanding "pops" (cake pops) at Starbucks, jumping all the time and shouting "hop, hop, hop" and my most favorite, her somersault! She just learned how to do one and has become quite the little tumbler!

Mom's Proudest Moment: Teaching Em how to do a somersault and watching her become so helpful with picking up toys, taking off shoes and putting them away, holding up her plate when she's done instead of throwing it, etc. She's becoming a very polite and responsible little girl!

Dad's Proudest Moment: Watching Em climb up and down the playground all by herself, she has no fear!

Well, we are officially 2 months away from Emersyn turning 2!
 Looks like birthday party planning is on the horizon!
What are some of your favorite toddler party ideas?